Grants & Rebates

Upgrade your septic system with financial support from New York State, Suffolk and Nassau Counties, and your local government. Long Island’s water quality crisis has prompted several levels of government to offer substantial financial assistance for homeowners upgrading to Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (I/A Systems), such as the Norweco Hydro-Kinetic system.

New York State provides grants of up to $10,000 per household for septic upgrades, which can be paired with an additional $10,000 in funding from Suffolk or Nassau County. Certain towns, such as Southampton and East Hampton, offer rebates up to $20,000, which can be combined with state and county grants for even greater savings.

If you need additional funding, low-interest loans of up to $10,000 are available through CDCLI, with repayment options over 15 years at a fixed 3% interest rate.

For a free analysis of your property’s grant eligibility and assistance through every step of the septic upgrade process, connect with our partners at Clear River Environmental for a no-cost evaluation of your project!

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Funding Available
Max Base Grant: $10,000

Eligibility Requirements

  • Available for installation or upgrade to a new I/A OWTS system
  • Available for residential and commercial projects with less than 1,000 gpd of sewage flow
  • Seasonal and second homes are eligible
  • No income or ownership restrictions
  • Not available for new construction on a vacant lot
  • Not available to cover system design costs

 Suffolk County & NYS Grants

Nassau County S.E.P.T.I.C. Program Nassau County initiated the Septic Environmental Program to Improve Cleanliness (SEPTIC) to provide grants of up to $20,000 to eligible homeowners and small businesses to replace a conventional system with an I/A System.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • All single family, two-family, not-for-profit organizations, and small businesses with an existing sanitary design flow less than or equal to 1,000 gallons per day are eligible
  • Must have valid Certificate of Occupancy and be served by existing septic system or cesspool and not connected to a public or private sewer

    Nassau County SEPTIC Program 

East Hampton Property Owners are eligible for an incentive to install a low-nitrogen sanitary system on their property:

Funding Available
Max Rebate of:
$20,000 for property in Water Protection District or homeowners who qualify for affordable housing
$15,000 for all other property

Eligibility Requirements

  • Available for residential and commercial projects
  • No restrictions on ownership
  • Not available if the new system is required as part of NRSP or Site Plan application
  • Not available for new construction on a vacant lot

East Hampton Town Septic Program

Suffolk County I/A OWTS Grants
Starting January 22, 2019, Suffolk County residents may be eligible for combined State and County grants of up to $30,000 to install an Innovative and Alternative nitrogen removal septic system. The additional funding will make it less expensive for homeowners to voluntarily replace aging and failing cesspools with state-of-the-art technologies that significantly improve treatment, extend system life, and enhance safety.

Funding Available
Max Base Grant: $10,000

Additional Grants of:
$5,000 for installation of pressurized shallow drain field or nitrogen polishing unit
$5,000 for low to moderate-income household

Up to $10,000 available through CDCLI at 3% interest over 15 years to cover costs in excess of grant money

Eligibility Requirements

  • Available for installation or upgrade to a new I/A OWTS system on residential property
  • Seasonal and second homes are eligible
  • No income or ownership restrictions
  • Not available for new construction on a vacant lot
  • Not available to cover system design costs

Suffolk County & NYS Grants

Funding Available

Base Rebate: $20,000

Additional Low to Moderate Income Rebate: $5,000

Max Rebate: $25,000

Eligibility Requirements

  • The property must be in the high or medium priority area on the Water Quality Improvement Project Plan or the I/A System is required by the Town’s Conservation or Environmental Board
  • No ownership restrictions
  • Not available for new construction on a vacant lot

East Hampton Town Septic Program

Town of Southampton Website

We can help you identify a qualified engineer or installer and we can help you navigate the process at no additional charge

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